Longinquity "A remote distance or time" tells the story of five interstellar bounty hunters. Traveling through the vast distances of space and time, these bounty hunters dedicate their lives to capturing some of the universe's most notorious villains. This includes Ampston, a being who has the technology to exist outside of the laws of the universe. The director for Longinquity commissioned me to come up with the HUD designs for the characters that would be within the short. My main task was to conceptualize the HUD technology so that they could easily be animated once the project was approved. Using techniques learned from Phlearn I was able to give the director and the animation team a stylistic look for their HUD display technology in the movie.
Mugin: Weapons Specialist
Origin: The Outer Leviathan
Umai: Time Alchemist
Origin: The Inner Leviathan
Elfen: Pilot
Origin: The 46th Inner Dimension
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